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  • 10 Rituals of Highly Successful Women: Keys to Empowerment and Achievement

    In the realm of success, women have been making significant strides, breaking barriers, and redefining norms across various fields. Behind their achievements lie not only talent and hard work but also a set of rituals and practices that contribute to their success. These rituals are not just about productivity hacks or time management techniques; they encompass a holistic approach to personal and professional growth. In this article, we delve into 10 rituals that highly successful women incorporate into their lives, offering insights and inspiration for all aspiring individuals. Morning Mindfulness Practice: Successful women often kickstart their day with mindfulness practices such as meditation, journaling, or gratitude exercises. These rituals help cultivate a positive mindset, enhance focus, and set the tone for the day ahead. By taking a few moments to centre themselves, they build resilience and clarity amidst the inevitable challenges of life. Goal Setting and Visualisation: Setting clear goals and visualising success is another common ritual among highly successful women. They meticulously plan their short-term and long-term objectives, breaking them down into actionable steps. Visualisation techniques help them harness the power of the mind, aligning their actions with their aspirations and fueling motivation. Continuous Learning and Growth: Lifelong learning is a cornerstone of success for many women leaders. They prioritise self-improvement through reading, attending workshops, or pursuing further education. By staying curious and adaptive, they remain at the forefront of innovation and expertise in their respective fields. Effective Time Management: Time is a precious resource, and successful women are adept at managing it effectively. They prioritise tasks based on importance and urgency, delegate responsibilities when necessary, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Utilising productivity tools and techniques enables them to optimise their time and maximise productivity without succumbing to burnout. Self-Care and Well-being: Amidst busy schedules and demanding responsibilities, successful women prioritise self-care and well-being. They recognise the importance of nurturing their physical, mental, and emotional health to sustain long-term success. Whether it's through regular exercise, healthy eating habits, or practicing mindfulness, they prioritise activities that recharge and rejuvenate them. Building Support Networks: Surrounding themselves with a strong support system is crucial for the success of many women leaders. They cultivate relationships with mentors, peers, and allies who provide guidance, encouragement, and constructive feedback. Building a network of like-minded individuals fosters collaboration, resilience, and collective growth. Embracing Failure and Resilience: Failure is an inevitable part of the journey towards success, and highly successful women embrace it as a learning opportunity. They view setbacks as stepping stones rather than obstacles, cultivating resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. By reframing failure as feedback, they harness its transformative power to fuel growth and innovation. Authentic Leadership: Authenticity lies at the heart of effective leadership for many successful women. They lead with integrity, transparency, and empathy, inspiring trust and loyalty among their teams. By staying true to their values and beliefs, they create inclusive and empowering work environments where individuals can thrive and contribute their best. Giving Back and Paying It Forward: Many women leaders are committed to giving back to their communities and uplifting others along the way. They actively mentor and support aspiring individuals, particularly women and underrepresented groups, providing guidance and opportunities for advancement. By paying it forward, they contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society. Celebrating Achievements and Practicing Gratitude: Finally, highly successful women take time to celebrate their achievements and express gratitude for their blessings. They acknowledge their progress, no matter how small, and celebrate milestones along the way. Cultivating a mindset of gratitude fosters positivity, resilience, and a deep sense of fulfilment amidst the pursuit of success. The rituals practiced by highly successful women offer valuable insights into the habits and mindset that contribute to their achievements. By integrating these rituals into our own lives, we can cultivate resilience, empowerment, and fulfilment on our journey towards success. Whether it's starting the day with mindfulness, prioritising self-care, or embracing failure as a catalyst for growth, adopting these rituals can propel us towards our goals and aspirations. As we strive for success, let us draw inspiration from the wisdom and practices of women leaders who have paved the way before us, forging paths of empowerment and excellence.

  • The Joyful Journey of Laughter Yoga: Embrace Happiness and Wellness In the hustle and bustle of modern life

    Finding moments of joy and relaxation can feel like a downhill challenge. However, there's a unique practice that combines laughter and yoga to cultivate happiness, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. Enter laughter yoga – a delightful fusion of laughter exercises, deep breathing, and gentle movement that's sweeping the world with its infectious positivity. Let's explore what laughter yoga is, why you should be doing it, how to practice it, and where you can experience its benefits in London. What is Laughter Yoga? Laughter yoga, founded by Dr. Madan Kataria in Mumbai, India in 1995, is a playful and therapeutic practice that combines laughter exercises with yogic breathing techniques. Participants engage in a series of simple laughter exercises and playful activities that encourage childlike laughter, regardless of their mood or sense of humour. Through prolonged laughter and deep breathing, the body releases endorphins - the feel-good hormones - promoting a sense of relaxation, happiness, and connection. Why You Should Be Doing It Stress Reduction: Laughter yoga helps reduce stress levels by releasing tension in the body and promoting relaxation. The act of laughing triggers the release of endorphins, which act as natural stress-busters, leaving you feeling calmer and more balanced. Boosts Immunity: Laughter has been shown to strengthen the immune system by increasing the production of immune cells and antibodies. Regular laughter yoga practice can help ward off illnesses and keep you feeling healthy and resilient. Enhances Mood: Laughter is a powerful mood booster, helping to alleviate feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression. Engaging in laughter yoga can lift your spirits, improve your outlook on life, and foster a greater sense of happiness and well-being. Promotes Social Connection: Laughter is contagious, and laughter yoga provides a fun and lighthearted way to connect with others. By sharing laughter in a group setting, participants build bonds, strengthen relationships, and experience a sense of camaraderie and belonging. How to Practice Laughter Yoga Warm-up: Begin with a gentle warm-up to prepare the body for laughter. This may include stretching, deep breathing, and light movement to loosen up the muscles and release tension. Laughter Exercises: Engage in a series of laughter exercises designed to stimulate genuine laughter and promote relaxation. These exercises may include laughter greetings, laughter meditation, and laughter yoga poses. Laughter Meditation: Close the session with a laughter meditation, allowing participants to bask in the joyful energy of laughter and cultivate a sense of inner peace and well-being. Group Sharing: Take a moment for group sharing, allowing participants to reflect on their experience and share any insights or feelings that arose during the practice. Where to Practice in London Laughter Yoga In London Offering a variety of laughter yoga classes and workshops across the city, Laughter Yoga London provides opportunities for individuals of all ages and fitness levels to experience the joy of laughter yoga. The Laughter Club International UK Join the laughter revolution with The Laughter Club International UK, which hosts regular laughter yoga sessions in parks, community centres, and corporate settings throughout the UK. Laughter Yoga Wellness London Laughter Yoga Wellness London offers laughter yoga sessions tailored to specific needs, including workplace wellness programs, team-building events, and private group sessions. Conclusion In a world filled with stress and uncertainty, laughter yoga offers a refreshing antidote – a playful and uplifting practice that promotes happiness, health, and connection. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, boost your mood, or simply embrace the joy of laughter, laughter yoga has something to offer everyone. So, why not give it a try? Join a laughter yoga session in London today and embark on a journey of laughter, wellness, and empowerment. Laughter is truly the best medicine, and laughter yoga is the prescription for a happier, healthier life.

  • Harnessing the Hidden Strengths: A Guide for Introverts to Excel in Business

    Embracing Your Introverted Superpowers: Thriving in Business In a world that often values extroverted traits like charisma and assertiveness, introverts can sometimes feel overlooked or underestimated in the business world. But what if I told you that being introverted could actually be your secret weapon for success in the cutthroat world of business? Let's delve deeper into how introverted individuals can leverage their unique strengths to not just survive, but thrive in the business world. Unleashing the Power of Introversion Deep Listening Skills Introverts are masters of the art of listening. They have a knack for truly understanding others, which can foster stronger connections with clients, colleagues, and stakeholders. By actively listening and empathising with others, introverts can build trust and establish meaningful relationships that are key to success in business. Thoughtful Decision-Making Rather than rushing into decisions, introverts take the time to analyze situations from all angles. This thoughtful approach can lead to well-informed, strategic decisions that minimize risks and maximize opportunities. In a fast-paced business environment, the ability to think critically and act purposefully can set introverts apart as strong and reliable leaders. Creativity and Innovation Introverts often thrive in solitude or quiet environments, where they can tap into their creative side and come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. Their introspective nature allows them to think deeply and intuitively, leading to breakthrough ideas that can drive business growth and success. Overcoming Obstacles with Style Mastering the Art of Networking While networking events may not be an introvert's favorite place to be, they can still excel in building meaningful connections on a more personal level. By focusing on quality over quantity, introverts can forge deep and lasting relationships that go beyond superficial interactions. Conquering the Stage Public speaking can be a nerve-wracking experience for introverts, but with practice and preparation, they can deliver powerful and engaging presentations that leave a lasting impact. Drawing on their ability to communicate authentically and connect with audiences on a deeper level, introverts can really shine in the spotlight. Self-Care for Success In the fast-paced world of business, introverts must prioritise self-care and recharge their batteries regularly. Taking time for introspection, setting boundaries, and honoring their need for solitude can help introverts maintain balance, clarity, and creativity in their professional endeavors. Stories of Introverted Triumph Some of the most successful entrepreneurs and business leaders in history, including moguls like Oprah Winfrey and Meryl Streep, are self-proclaimed introverts who have achieved immense success by embracing their unique qualities. By harnessing their introverted strengths – whether it's their deep focus, analytical thinking, or visionary creativity – these individuals have disrupted industries, revolutionized markets, and left a lasting imprint on the business world. In conclusion, being introverted is not a limitation but a distinctive advantage that can propel you to new heights in business. By recognising and celebrating your introverted superpowers, you can chart a path to success that is authentic, impactful, and uniquely yours. So, dear introverts, it's time to step into the spotlight, embrace your inner strengths, and show the world what it truly means to be a powerhouse introvert in business. Success awaits – are you ready to claim it?

  • How To Co-exist With The Negative Voices In Your Head

    Recently, my first Mama Wins article was published and hot damn if I did not celebrate! Why not, right? I’m a forty-something mom of 2 who recently pulled off a major career shift - from small business owner to a life of modelling, acting and writing. I started blogging about my life experiences and one of the great pleasures I’ve had has been to share my words with you. When I tell you…this would not have been possible even 5 years ago. What changed? What gave me the b*lls to jump, feet first, into a world where ‘No’ is heard so much more often than ‘Yes’ and your insecurities all rear their ugly heads, usually in the same day, nee, the same hour? I figured out how to coexist with the negative voice inside my head.  You know…the one that tells you you’re not good enough, you don’t know enough, you don’t have a degree in that. She also chimes in with little nuggets like, “Who are you? What gives you the right? Why are you eating so much?” One of my personal favourites is, “Since when does your face wrinkle that way?” That voice. Do you know her? She’s a real peach! In the past, I tried to shut her up. Shut her out. I’d try to meditate her out. Yoga her out. Those activities definitely have their positive benefits but they didn’t prove to be a permanent distraction from my ever-present, diligently-nagging voice.  She’d show up again, putting me down and keeping me stagnant. I also tried to change my inner dialogue to one that is completely positive and loves everything about myself, flaws and all.  But the real, deep-down-in-my-heart-truth is, I don’t love my flaws. For instance, I can be a selfish person (now and then) and am trying to fix that in this lifetime. I don’t love that flaw. I love that I am recognising it and trying to do something about it. But, let’s get real. My inner dialogue is there to point out the things about myself that I would rather change.  I need her for that. I need her to help me be a better person.  So I had to learn to coexist with her and decipher between the thoughts that will help me become a better person and those that are just pushing me down. Here’s how I go about dealing with those intense negative statements that try to derail me from accomplishing the next big thing in my life. I’m warning you, it’s silly and it’s intended to make you chuckle. Once you chuckle, you win! Whatever the less-than-positive thought is, I repeat it (as a question) and then turn it right around on her (mind you, this all goes on inside my head so if you try it, prepare yourself for some strange looks). For example:  She says, “What are you doing casting for that job? You’re not pretty enough.” And then I reply, “I’m not pretty enough? You’re not pretty enough!” Talking to myself this way makes me laugh. When I laugh, I smile and realize that I’m about to enter into a negative cycle and I need to just charge ahead.  Yes, it’s a coexisting method. And it works for me! Here’s a good one.  She says, “Why did you eat so much over the holidays, you’re getting fat.” Then I say, “Why did you eat so much over the holidays? You’re getting fat!!” One last example, just to make sure that you really have it. She’ll say, “You don’t have enough experience for this job. You’re going to fail.” To which I say, “You don’t have enough experience for this job and you’re going to fail!” Drop the mic. Walk away. Crowd cheers. Just turn it around on her. Tell her exactly what she told you. Stoop to her level, shut her up, laugh it off and move on.  You've got this. I've got this. We've got this.

  • How to Achieve Work-Life Balance While Working from Home: 4 Simple Strategies to Implement Today

    I struggle a lot with distraction, so I'm both lucky and, er, not so lucky to be a writer and be able to work from home. When Covid hit and the premise was to not return to work, I didn't feel confusion or excitement as I was already used to it. However, the familiarity of working from home didn't make it any easier. I still struggled with being called upon by the laundry and dishes that needed cleaning. I make thousands of cups of tea, and even sometimes, don't tell anybody, wfh in my pyjamas. To be very honest when the government called on us to return to the office I was silently jealous of those who were returning, as working from home has its cons - so how have I managed to work without letting my attention go and doing the hoovering in between m meetings? I'll show you how. Have a designated workspace: Some time ago I was working from the dining table, sofa and even bed. And although all of which are very comfortable, they did not propel me into productivity. I realised I needed to implement a designated 'office space' or else I'd snooze through my 2pm Zoom call. I coordinated (my very tiny home) and created my home office by purchasing a reasonably sized desk, comfortable chair and some props and devices that helped to keep my productivity levels up during the day. Set a Routine - That Works For You: Plan your day: Outline your tasks, meetings, and breaks in advance. Having a schedule can keep you on track and reduce the temptation to work extra hours. Include breaks: Regular breaks boost productivity and reduce burnout. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique (25 minutes of work, 5 minute break) to structure an effective work routine. Set Clear Boundaries: Designate a dedicated workspace: Create a separate area in your home for work. This space should be comfortable and free from distractions, helping you mentally separate work from life and household activities. Prioritise tasks and manage expectations: Identify your most important tasks for the day and focus on completing them. Avoid overloading your schedule with too many commitments. Communicate with your supervisor or clients about your workload and deadlines to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Take Care of Your Well-being: Exercise regularly and practice self-care: Incorwporate physical activity into your daily routine to boost your energy and reduce stress. Even short, at-home workouts can make a difference. Set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones. Remember to disconnect from work when your day is over. Balancing work and life while working from home requires discipline, effective time management, and self-awareness. Adjust these strategies to fit your unique circumstances and needs, and don't hesitate to seek support or guidance from your employer or colleagues if necessary.

  • Weaving Narratives: A Close-Up Look at The Fabric of Democracy Exhibition

    In 1928, a catalogue for the Soviet Textiles exhibition recognised fabrics as 'ideological goods' with significant societal impact. While textiles are not typically seen as political, "The Fabric of Democracy" at Fashion and Textile Museum explores how printed fabrics convey political messages and ideologies, both worn on the body and integrated into home spaces. The Fabric of Democracy Exhibition. Source: AG Press As the mechanisation of textile industries democratised textile decoration, governments and corporations harnessed print techniques to communicate ideologies, from wartime slogans to revolutionary ideals. This exhibition challenges the perception of textiles as 'women's work,' demonstrating that fabrics can contribute to and shape political debates within the home. The showcased objects reveal how textile design responded to political upheavals across centuries, offering insight into how textiles were employed as tools of the state, spanning communism to fascism. In the context of global upheavals, the exhibition takes on new dimensions, reminding us that the themes explored are not confined to history but resonate in our contemporary world. "Propaganda," traditionally associated with top-down communication and world-forming, finds its expression in the art and design of textiles. Originating from the Counter-Reformation, political propaganda evolved alongside technological advancements, from pamphlets to mass media. The exhibition delves into the role of art and design as essential tools in shaping and communicating worldviews. The Fabric of Democracy Exhibition. Source: AG Press While discussions on propaganda often centre on public artworks, and textiles, used both within the home and as garments, it blurs the lines between public and private spheres. The exhibition unfolds the evolution of propaganda through physical forms, showcasing posters, pamphlets, buildings, and statues that have played a pivotal role in shaping political narratives. "The Fabric of Democracy" weaves a narrative that goes beyond history, resonating with contemporary challenges. Just like fabric, democracy, as demonstrated by recent events, can fray – a powerful reminder of the enduring impact textiles have on our political and social landscapes. From the mechanisation of textile industries in the eighteenth century to the modern age of digital misinformation, this exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum in London explores the evolution of propaganda through textiles. Textile printing techniques, initially developed in Asia, revolutionised European fabric production. From bans on Asian fabrics to the industrialisation of print processes, textiles became a potent medium for political messages. The exhibition traces this journey, showcasing methods from blocks to screen printing. Maps, as early forms of propaganda, solidified ideas around kingdoms and empires. British Empire territories were often marked in red on maps during colonial rule. The Latin origin of "map" relates to fabric, exemplified by wartime escape maps made of cloth during World War II. The relationship between textiles and wartime is profound, serving various functions from making uniforms to fundraising. Napoleon Bonaparte recognised the contribution of textile workshops to the "war waged on battlefields." The Battle of the Nile celebration led to fashion souvenirs, blending uniform details into women's dresses. The post-World War era witnessed Cold War symbolism in textiles, incorporating motifs of agriculture, industry, and progress. National holidays, Olympics, and world fairs showcased textile designs to reinforce national stories globally. The Festival of Britain in 1951 used printed fabrics to promote democratic values and modern design. The Fabric of Democracy Exhibition. Source: AG Press In the era of "post-truth," propaganda extends beyond print into slogan clothing and the digital realm. The 2010s saw divisive politics, populism, and post-truth ideologies, impacting democracy. As we navigate the digital age, the exhibition suggests that propaganda, like fabric, continues to shape our reality both in our homes and through screens. Populism often portrays politicians or movements as champions of the people against a perceived corrupt elite, as seen in leaders like Narendra Modi, Donald Trump, and Jair Bolsonaro, as well as the Brexit vote. After the 2016 referendum, pro-EU marches featured Remainders wearing yellow and blue, symbolising support for the EU. Despite the fashion industry's predominantly pro-EU stance, challenges post-Brexit, such as increased bureaucracy and costs, were reported by fashion businesses, reflecting the ongoing debate on EU membership through textiles since the 1990s. In unravelling the intricate threads of political narratives woven into fabrics, "The Fabric of Democracy" reveals that even the seemingly mundane textiles hold profound political significance. From the expressive prints worn on our bodies to the patterns adorning our homes, the exhibition underscores the enduring power of textiles as silent messengers of political ideals. As we explore the nuanced history displayed in each carefully crafted piece, we are reminded that in every stitch, democracy's story continues to be intricately woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

  • Power Moves: Defining Boundaries and Empowering Women with Confidence and Control

    'Setting Boundaries, Find Peace' by Nedra Glover Tawwab In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, women must establish healthy boundaries. Boundaries not only protect our emotional and physical well-being but also empower us to live life on our terms. They enable us to set aside time for self-care, prioritise our passions, and build positive and fulfilling relationships. In this article, we will explore the importance of boundaries, how they can be implemented, and why they are an essential tool for women seeking empowerment. So, buckle up! Let's embark on this exciting journey of self-discovery together. The Power of Boundaries: Boundaries act as personal guidelines that define what is acceptable and unacceptable in our lives. They help protect our autonomy, self-worth, and happiness, acting as a compass to navigate through life's challenges. For women, establishing boundaries is crucial for reclaiming power, asserting ourselves, and breaking free from societal expectations. Boundaries allow us to say "no" when we feel overloaded, prioritise our needs, and honour our values and aspirations. Setting Boundaries The Fun and Friendly Way: Establishing boundaries doesn't have to be a daunting or serious task. In fact, making it a fun and friendly process can help empower and motivate us to stay committed. Here are a few creative ways to implement boundaries: Time for Self-Love: Dedicate regular "me-time" slots in your calendar, where you can engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's painting, practicing yoga, or indulging in a favourite hobby, prioritise yourself and guard this time fiercely. Communicate Openly: Cultivate open and honest communication by setting expectations and clearly expressing your needs. Embrace assertiveness as a tool to negotiate your boundaries, whether it's at work, within relationships, or even with family members. Remember, your needs matter, and your voice deserves to be heard. Declutter Your Relationships: Evaluate the people in your life and reflect on whether they uplift or drain your energy. Surround yourself with supportive and respectful individuals who honour and appreciate your boundaries. Let go of toxic relationships that inhibit your growth and diminish your self-worth. Practice Digital Detox: In today's digital age, it's essential to establish boundaries with technology. Allocate specific timeframes for screen usage, create tech-free zones in your home, and consider "unplugging" from social media periodically. By prioritizing real-life interactions and moments of solitude, you'll cultivate a healthier relationship with technology. Learn to Say No: Saying "no" is a powerful self-assertion that sets clear boundaries. Practice the art of declining requests that don't align with your priorities or values. Remember that saying "no" isn't selfish; it's an act of self-care and self-preservation. Embracing Empowerment Through Boundaries: Implementing and maintaining boundaries is an ongoing process that strengthens our self-esteem, fosters personal growth, and empowers us to live authentically. As women, it's essential to remember that boundaries are not meant to keep others out but rather to honour and protect ourselves. By embracing boundaries, we become empowered decision-makers in our lives, capable of fostering healthier relationships, pursuing our dreams, and living with purpose. Boundaries are the ultimate tool for women seeking empowerment. They provide us with the confidence and self-assurance to take control of our lives, prioritise our well-being, and create harmonious relationships. Remember, boundaries are not about being selfish; they are about self-care, self-love, and finding the balance we all need to thrive. So, let's embark on this journey together, celebrating the power of boundaries and embracing the empowered women we are meant to be! Stay strong, empowered, and fabulous!


    In the illustrious realm of entertainment, the Golden Globe Awards have shimmered for an impressive 81 years, tracing back to its inaugural event on January 20, 1944, in the United States, solidifying their status as one of the most prestigious accolades in the global film and television industry. This article embarks on a journey through the key facts and the undeniable influence of the Golden Globes, not just as an industry celebration but also as a prominent fashion event that captivates audiences worldwide. A Glimpse into the Glittering Past Established in 1944 by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), the Golden Globe Awards were initially conceived as a luncheon ceremony to honour outstanding achievements in the entertainment industry. Over the decades, the event has evolved into a star-studded gala, marking the beginning of each new year's awards season. Global Recognition and Unique Categories What sets the Golden Globes apart is its recognition of excellence in both film and television, a duality that broadens the spectrum of honourees. The HFPA's approach to categorization, with separate awards for drama and musical or comedy in both film and television, adds a distinctive flavour, acknowledging the diversity of genres within the industry. The Pinnacle of Prestige The Golden Globe Awards serve as a precursor to the Academy Awards, often influencing Oscar nominations and reflecting the industry's acknowledgement of outstanding performances. The power of a Golden Globe win is not just in the trophy itself but in the recognition and validation it bestows upon the recipients, shaping the trajectory of their careers. A Red Carpet Extravaganza Beyond the glittering trophies and heartfelt speeches, the Golden Globes stand as a pinnacle of glamour in the world of fashion. The red carpet transforms into a runway, where A-list celebrities showcase their sartorial choices, setting trends and making headlines. The Golden Globes red carpet has become synonymous with haute couture, with designers vying for the honour of dressing the evening's brightest stars. Lady Gaga Golden Globes Dress at V&A Museum Fashion's Leading Role The intersection of Hollywood and high fashion is nowhere more evident than on the Golden Globes red carpet. Celebrities don their most opulent and daring outfits, creating moments that transcend mere style – they become cultural phenomena. From iconic gowns to avant-garde ensembles, the fashion showcased at the Golden Globes becomes an integral part of the event's allure. The Impact of Red Carpet Fashion The Golden Globes red carpet has birthed countless fashion moments that have reverberated far beyond the entertainment industry. A dress worn on this esteemed carpet can become a cultural touchstone, influencing bridal trends, prom fashion, and even shaping broader societal discussions on beauty standards and individuality. Breaking Traditions In recent years, the Golden Globes red carpet has also become a platform for celebrities to make bold statements beyond fashion. With initiatives like Time's Up and #Metoo actors and actresses have used their fashion choices to convey powerful messages, turning the red carpet into a symbolic stage for activism and solidarity. Memorable Fashion Moments From Audrey Hepburn's timeless elegance in the 1950s to Lupita Nyong'o's ethereal presence in the 2010s, the Golden Globes have witnessed an array of unforgettable fashion moments. The red carpet is a place where fashion history is made, and designers collaborate with celebrities to craft looks that transcend the immediate glamour of the event. Behind the Scene The preparation for the Golden Globes red carpet is a meticulous process that involves collaboration between celebrities, stylists, and designers. The chosen outfit is more than just clothing; it is a carefully curated expression of the celebrity's public persona, often reflecting the themes and narratives of their work. The Golden Globes and Social Media In the digital age, the impact of the Golden Globes red carpet extends far beyond the ceremony itself. Social media platforms become arenas for fashion enthusiasts to dissect and celebrate the evening's standout looks. Hashtags dedicated to the event trend globally, amplifying the reach of both the awards and the fashion on display. A Tapestry of Glamour and Legacy As the Golden Globe Awards celebrate 81 years of cinematic and televised excellence, the event's impact extends far beyond the realm of entertainment. The marriage of Hollywood and fashion on the red carpet has turned this annual gala into a cultural phenomenon, where style is as celebrated as talent. With each passing year, the Golden Globes continue to weave a tapestry of glamour, legacy, and sartorial innovation, leaving an indelible mark on the collective memory of audiences around the globe. The Golden Globe Awards serve as a prominent platform for the fashion industry, allowing designers to showcase their creations on influential celebrities. The event creates a symbiotic relationship between Hollywood and fashion, as celebrities don designer pieces, amplifying the visibility and prestige of fashion brands. From a sociological perspective, fashion plays a crucial role in shaping identity and expressing individuality. The choices made by celebrities on the red carpet reflect societal trends, values, and cultural influences. Analysing these fashion choices provides insights into larger social narratives, as fashion is intertwined with self-expression and societal norms. The Golden Globe Awards, therefore, become a lens through which we can explore and understand evolving cultural dynamics. The Golden Globes, as a cultural event, reflect and influence societal dynamics through the lens of fashion and entertainment. The red carpet, where celebrities showcase their attire, becomes a visual representation of cultural trends and influences. The fashion choices made by celebrities often mirror broader social themes, such as inclusivity, sustainability, or statements on political and cultural issues. Additionally, the awards and speeches during the ceremony offer a platform for artists to address important social issues. These moments can spark conversations and shape public discourse on topics ranging from diversity and representation to environmental concerns. The collective impact of these expressions within the glamorous setting of the Golden Globes contributes to the event’s significance in exploring and influencing cultural dynamics. It becomes a space where the intersection of entertainment, fashion, and societal values is on display and open for analysis.

  • The Essential Guide to Self Care for Mothers: Cultivating Wellbeing for Yourself and Your Children

    - by Emma Benyon - As a mother you've heard the word ‘self-care’ so much – “make time for yourself, it’s important”. However, when there are 500 things on your to-do lists and you are being pulled in many different directions, how can you create time for this, if you are already feeling stretched and exhausted? So let’s bust some of those myths first! Self-care, simply put, can be anything that makes you feel good, brings you that inner calmness and joy and ultimately leaves you feeling nourished with more energy. It is not something that needs to cost anything and it is not something that should feel like it’s an additional thing that we have to do. Self-care can be different things to different people and what makes you feel good one day might not have the same effect another day (how we feel and what we need can vary daily.) There isn’t a time frame to how much self-care you ‘need’ to do for it to be effective, even introducing five minutes each day will make a huge difference. And it doesn’t need to be something you do alone either, it could be with your children, partner, friends or family. So, what is it that makes you feel good, brings inner calmness and joy and leaves you feeling nourished? Self-care is a fundamental practice to supporting your mental health, your resilience and your ability to parent from the very best resourced version of yourself as women and mothers (for us and our children.) It does not have to cost money, it can simply be taking the time to sit with a coffee in silence for five minutes in the morning and focusing on your intentions for the day. Simply put, self-care can make you feel like you, gives you time for you, and increases your energy. Self-care is all about giving you vitality. Whether that be five minutes, five hours or five days, allow yourself to be your main priority. It can be any practice or activity that brings you joy, calmness and a smile to your face. Think back to a time when your child has been doing an activity and they are full of joy and happiness - self-care can give you that same ‘glimmer’. Nourishing yourself can support you, as a mum, in being able to show up as the very best version of yourself and as a mum to your children. Being able to parent from a place of awareness of how you are feeling and what your needs are, can allow you to model this behaviour for your children, so that they can, as they grow, learn how to nourish their energy and needs. This self-awareness is also key to allowing you to focus on what you can do to best support yourself with the resources you have. Being able to understand your needs and meet them means that you can operate from a place of balance and coherency in all aspects of your life. Self-awareness of what will support you is one of the greatest things you can do to help you move forward, as can being curious and trying different practices to see what works for you. So listen to your body, and become curious about what it might need. Self-care is more beneficial when it is part of your daily life. It is often something that needs to be scheduled or it is likely to not happen (as there are often so many other things on the never-ending list of jobs). Though, that being said, you don’t want it to feel like it’s something else to do, something else to feel guilty about. This is why adding it where you can is important, around what you are already doing. For example, listening to a meditation whilst you have your morning coffee, journaling whilst you wait in the car to pick the kids up from school or instead of mindlessly scrolling on social media you could read a book for 10 minutes. The more you add in those practices daily, the more they will become a habit and the more you will notice a difference in how you can navigate your days. Think of self-care in terms of marginal gains, the smaller changes you make, over time, the bigger the difference. Noticing the changes you feel and see when you have taken some time for yourself and added in self-care practice. This will allow you to visualise the difference made by adding a couple of simple practices. Self-care can be as small a practice as you want or need it to be, it does not have to be spa days, holidays, or days out, it could simply be five minutes with a coffee in the morning journalling or an evening walk for 15 minutes. Spend some time looking at your daily schedules and see where you can plan in 5/10 minutes a day where you can take this time. This will help it feel more achievable and remember it’s not the quantity of the self-care practice, it is the quality of the practice and what is right for you then. Listen to your body and what it is telling you, really listen to what it is saying. You have all the answers for what you can do to support yourself at any given time, so trust them. So as we head into Spring, the time of re-growth, re-birth, new growth, new birth, the time to plant the seeds ready to bloom, here are some simple self-care practices to explore over the coming months. These practices can be explored on your own or even with your children too, inviting them to take care of themselves and support themselves with nourishing their own body and mind. Simple Spring Self-Care Practices Get outside in your garden and plant some seeds to watch bloom over the next few months. Go for a walk around your local park - see what new life you can spot (this is a perfect activity to do with your children too). This will allow you to be present in the moment. Start a new book and spend some time each week reading a chapter. Journal using the prompt ‘What do I want to start to bloom this spring?’ Create some spring decorations for your house - for example, some Easter decorations or even some paper flowers or floral fabric napkins. Tidy your wardrobe and bring out those spring outfits. Create a vision board for all of your hopes, wishes and goals for this spring. Spring is a time for allowing new things to grow and nurturing what you already have, so it is the perfect time to start to add in some simple, nurturing self-care practices. Allow yourself to bloom this spring. Emma Benyon is a Self-care and Motherhood Coach and Educator, helping overwhelmed mums find balance and clarity. She is the editor of Positive Wellbeing Zine for Mums and host of the Self Care and Motherhood Edit. Emma supports mums in thriving and creating their desired lives through coaching, courses, workshops, and group programs. Website - Instagram - Facebook -

  • Embracing the Beauty of Ageing: The Unfortunate Weaponisation Against Women

    Ageing is an inevitable and natural part of the human experience, a journey marked by wisdom, growth, and a rich tapestry of experiences. However, despite the many positive aspects of ageing, society often tends to weaponise the ageing process against women, creating unrealistic beauty standards and perpetuating harmful stereotypes. This weaponisation takes the form of unrealistic beauty standards, discriminatory practices, and the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. Let's explore the beauty of ageing and delve into the societal dynamics that unfairly target women as they embrace their various stages of life. The Beauty of Aging: A Tapestry of Experiences Ageing is not a one-size-fits-all experience; rather, it is a deeply personal journey that is shaped by a myriad of factors, including culture, genetics, and individual life choices. It is a process that extends far beyond the physical changes that society often fixates upon. Instead, ageing is a tapestry woven with threads of experiences, challenges, triumphs, and personal growth. As women age, they accumulate a wealth of knowledge that comes from navigating the complexities of life. This knowledge is not just academic; it's a deep understanding of human relationships, resilience in the face of adversity, and the ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of life. The older generation becomes a living library, containing stories and insights that serve as valuable lessons for those who come after. Moreover, ageing often brings a heightened sense of self-awareness and confidence. As individuals grow older, they tend to become more comfortable in their skin, accepting themselves with a grace that only comes with time. This self-assurance can be a powerful force, empowering individuals to pursue their passions, speak their minds, and contribute meaningfully to their communities. The Physical Journey: Celebrating Lines and Creases The physical changes that accompany ageing are perhaps the most visible aspects. Wrinkles, grey hair, and changes in skin elasticity are often perceived as signs of decline by a society obsessed with youth. However, these natural occurrences are not flaws but rather testaments to the resilience of the human body. Wrinkles, for instance, are not just lines etched on the skin; they are markers of a life rich in emotion. Each crease tells a story of laughter, of countless smiles shared, and of experiences that have left indelible imprints on the soul. Grey hair, too, is not a signal of surrender to time but a badge of honour, signifying the accumulation of years and the wisdom that accompanies them. It is essential to shift our collective perspective and celebrate the physical changes that come with ageing. Rather than viewing them as blemishes to be erased, we should regard them as symbols of a life well-lived. Society's obsession with maintaining a youthful appearance perpetuates harmful attitudes toward ageing, particularly affecting women who often bear the brunt of unrealistic beauty standards. The Weaponization Against Women: Harmful Stereotypes and Discriminatory Practices Despite the undeniable beauty and richness that ageing brings, women often find themselves unfairly targeted by societal expectations and discriminatory practices. The media, in particular, plays a pivotal role in perpetuating harmful stereotypes, portraying ageing women as undesirable or irrelevant. This narrative not only undermines the value of women as they age but also contributes to a culture that prioritizes youth over experience. One of the most glaring examples of the weaponisation of ageing against women is the beauty and fashion industry's obsession with youth. Advertisements, fashion spreads, and beauty campaigns predominantly feature young models, creating an unrealistic and exclusionary standard of beauty. This exclusion marginalises older women, implying that their worth diminishes as they age. The pressure to conform to these unrealistic beauty standards has given rise to a booming industry of anti-ageing products and cosmetic procedures. Women are bombarded with messages encouraging them to fight the natural ageing process, perpetuating the notion that their worth is intrinsically tied to their physical appearance. This societal pressure can lead to feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and a sense of loss as women navigate the various stages of life. Moreover, the workplace often becomes a battleground for ageism, with older women facing discrimination and bias that can hinder career progression. Studies consistently show that women, particularly in industries that place a premium on youth, face challenges in securing promotions and are more likely to experience forced early retirement compared to their male counterparts. Empowering Change: Redefining Beauty and Value To counter the weaponisation of ageing against women, society must shift its perspective on ageing and challenge harmful narratives surrounding women and growing older. Embracing diversity in age and beauty is essential for fostering a culture that values individuals for their character, achievements, and contributions rather than superficial attributes. One of the key steps in empowering change is promoting positive role models who defy traditional beauty norms. Women who embrace their age with confidence and continue to make significant contributions to various fields should be celebrated and given visibility. These role models serve as beacons of inspiration, demonstrating that beauty and value are not confined to youth but can be found at every stage of life. Media outlets and advertisers also have a crucial role in shaping societal perceptions. By presenting a more inclusive and realistic portrayal of women, and showcasing the beauty that comes with age and experience, these entities can contribute to dismantling harmful stereotypes. It is essential to challenge the notion that ageing diminishes a woman's worth and instead emphasize the strength, resilience, and wisdom that come with each passing year. Furthermore, educational initiatives can play a vital role in challenging ageism and promoting a more inclusive society. Teaching individuals from a young age about the importance of respecting and valuing people of all ages can contribute to a cultural shift. Additionally, providing resources and support for older women in the workforce can help address age-related discrimination and ensure that individuals are recognized and rewarded based on merit rather than age. Aging is a natural and wonderful part of life, bringing a wealth of experiences, wisdom, and personal growth. Society's tendency to weaponise ageing against women by perpetuating harmful stereotypes, discriminatory practices, and unrealistic beauty standards is a disservice to individuals and society as a whole. It is time to celebrate the beauty of ageing, reject damaging narratives, and empower women to embrace every stage of life with confidence and pride. By challenging these societal norms and fostering a culture that values individuals for who they are, regardless of their age, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and accepting world. The journey of ageing should be celebrated as a shared human experience, one that unites us in our diversity and highlights the beauty that comes over time. Let's strive for a society where women, and indeed all individuals, are appreciated for their character, achievements, and unique stories etched into the tapestry of their lives.

  • Real Talk: Unveiling the Expectation vs. Reality Journey of Parenting an Autistic Child

    by Sita Turner My child is not the child I expected to have. That's not to say I don't love every molecule of his existence or wish that he was anything other than the child he is, but it does shine a light on an uncomfortable aspect of motherhood: expectation vs reality. From the moment that second line appeared on the pregnancy test, and probably for a while before, a fully formed child appeared in my imagination. My child would be one of those giggly, happy babies who could be soothed easily with a loving cuddle and a lullaby. He would enjoy walks around the park and old ladies would stop and comment on what a good baby he was. One imagery scenario after another played out in my head until the first few years of his life had already been set out like a screenplay in my brain. I can almost look back on them like they were real memories. The one I remember most strongly was when we would be at a wedding or celebration and my little boy would want to dance with me, smiling and squealing with glee as I spun him around or enjoyed a little slow dance with him and my husband. I had seen so many similar scenarios on social media, my baby would, of course, be the same. Of course, part of the excitement that can come with early pregnancy is imagining just what kind of dynamic you will have with your child - this is all part of the bonding process that is fed by the rush of hormones flooding your body. However, when the media and social media bombard us with a two-dimensional idea of what children are like - smiling, happy, chubby little beings who stagger around unsteadily in nappies and watch the world go round contentedly while their glowing mothers push them through scenic parks in their prams - it's no wonder our expectation of motherhood is so crystalline from the start. A 2022 study by Ciero Kirkpatrick and Sunkyoung Lee into the effect of social media, particularly Instagram on new mothers demonstrates that I was certainly not alone in having an unrealistic vision of what early motherhood would be like. In their study, which investigated the effect of Instagram on new and pregnant mums, they concluded that "idealised posts cause significantly higher levels of envy and state anxiety, which may be detrimental to mothers’ mental health". Even antenatal classes encouraged our group of expectant parents to plan out our ideal births and discuss what kind of parents we would like to be. In my case, the reality was nowhere near the expectation. My son was born with autism which means that the fully formed child I imagined all those years ago has had to be dismantled and rebuilt many times over 9 years. I regret intensely that for the first years of his life, I tried to shoehorn him into the child I expected him to be. Numerous months were spent grieving for what I perceived as being 'lost' and then finally, I had to tear the blocks down and start again, allowing him to show me what my expectations should be. One example of this was when I projected the imaginary scenario of the wedding I outlined above onto a real-life wedding of one of my oldest friends. There was a live band about to start, which my then 4-year-old son was fascinated by, and he took me to see all the instruments, naming them and completely ignoring my question when I asked him if he was going to dance with his mummy. The band came onto the stage, the drummer tapped them in and as the music started, the mother of all meltdowns began. So overwhelmed and scared was my son of the noise that he immediately started screaming and shouting, hitting me, kicking the stage and drawing a lot of unwanted attention from the other guests. Not wanting me (who was then pregnant with our second child) to get hurt, my husband directed him outside where we stayed all night. I missed my friend's wedding because he was too scared to go back in - at least it was warm! ​ I cried a lot that night and for a few days after. But I see that moment as quite pivotal. That was the night I decided to wave goodbye to the imaginary child I'd had with me since birth. My child was not going to dance with me at any future weddings unless I listened to him and learned what he needed. And if that was to sit outside with me all night and perhaps dance alone under the stars, then that's what would happen. Gradually the shoehorning stopped, and I have been able to step aside and learn from him, taking expectations out of the picture and following his lead. The more I looked, the more I learned, such as how he always preferred a backwards hug rather than one where he had to face the recipient, turning at the last minute and backing into our arms. Now at 9 years old, he can talk me through his worries and needs in a much calmer way. I’ve had to learn to ignore media portrayals of motherhood and understand how to find my way. Parenting an autistic child is not always easy, but it has certainly been rewarding. We did go to another wedding 2 months after the first. This time we took ear defenders and asked the band to show him the instruments one by one. We danced our socks off until 11 that night. Backwards Hugs I trace the constellations on your back - flecks of cocoa that dabble milky foam. My oyster shell arms enclose the pearly smoothness of your body, while fragrant hair steals the earthy roast lingering from the morning coffee. You say normal hugs trap you beneath breath and hair and bone and heat. I say these aren’t the hugs I dreamt of when I held you tight within my fulsome womb. My fingers comb for a lodging point on your craggy collarbone and I feel your phantom arms around my waist loosening – infiltrated lungs carry you away until I am forced to exhale you.

  • Breathe In, Break Out: A Guide on How to Break the Cycle of Anxiety

    Anxiety is a natural response to stress and danger, but when it becomes excessive, it can lead to a vicious cycle of worry and fear. This cycle can be difficult to break, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to overcome anxiety and regain control of your life. Understanding Anxiety Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by feelings of worry, fear, and apprehension, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, and a racing heartbeat. Anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, environmental stressors, and traumatic events. One of the key features of anxiety is the cycle of worry and fear that can develop. When we experience anxiety, our brain perceives a threat and activates the fight-or-flight response. This response prepares our body to either fight the danger or run away from it, which can be helpful in a dangerous situation. However, in the case of anxiety, there is often no real danger present, and the fight-or-flight response can become excessive and prolonged. This leads to a cycle of worry and fear, where we become anxious about the possibility of experiencing anxiety. This, in turn, can trigger more anxiety, leading to a vicious cycle that can be difficult to break. Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety Breaking the cycle of anxiety requires a multifaceted approach that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of the condition. Here are some strategies that can help: Practice Relaxation Techniques Relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga, can help reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety and promote a sense of calm. These techniques can also help break the cycle of worry and fear by teaching us to focus on the present moment and let go of anxious thoughts. Challenge Negative Thoughts Anxiety is often fueled by negative thoughts and beliefs, such as “I’m not good enough” or “Something bad is going to happen.” Challenging these thoughts and replacing them with more positive and realistic ones can help break the cycle of anxiety. This can be done through cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is a type of talk therapy that helps people identify and change negative thought patterns. Get Enough Sleep Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health, and lack of sleep can worsen anxiety symptoms. Getting enough sleep can help break the cycle of anxiety by reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety and improving our ability to cope with stress. Exercise Regularly Exercise is a natural anxiety reducer, as it releases endorphins (feel-good chemicals) in the brain and promotes relaxation. Regular exercise can also improve sleep quality, which can help break the cycle of anxiety. Seek Professional Help Anxiety can be a challenging condition to overcome, and it may require professional help. Therapy, medication, or a combination of both can be effective in treating anxiety. A mental health professional can help you develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs. Practice Self-Care Self-care is essential for our physical and mental well-being, and it can help break the cycle of anxiety. This can include activities such as taking a warm bath, reading a book, or spending time in nature. Practicing self-care can help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can help manage anxiety. Connect with Others Social support is an important factor in managing anxiety. Talking to friends or family members about your feelings can help you feel less alone and more supported. Joining a support group or seeking out online communities can also help you connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Eating a Balanced Diet Eating a balanced diet is also important in managing anxiety. A diet rich in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help reduce inflammation and improve overall health. This can help reduce anxiety symptoms as well. Avoiding processed foods, sugar, and caffeine can also help reduce anxiety symptoms. Setting Realistic Goals Setting realistic goals is important in managing anxiety. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. It is important to break down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help reduce feelings of overwhelm and anxiety and make it easier to accomplish your goals. Breaking the cycle of anxiety requires a comprehensive approach that involves various strategies and techniques. Practicing mindfulness, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, avoiding triggers, and seeking professional help are some effective ways to manage anxiety symptoms. Remember that managing anxiety is a process, and it may take some time to find the right strategies that work for you. Be patient and persistent, and don't hesitate to seek professional help if you need it.

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